When you buy or purchase most items, they become your possessions that you have the right to use and dispose of as you see fit. However, some items are subject to additional restrictions. Prescription medications are among those possessions.
While it is perfectly legal for an individual with a valid prescription to possess a controlled substance prescribed by their physician, their rights to do so depends on their compliance with the prescription’s instructions. People don’t have the right to use that drug any way they want. Its legality depends on their compliance with the recommendations of their doctors.
More importantly, these individuals do not have the right to transfer their medication to someone else, even if they have no intention of using the medication and don’t make any money off of it. Those who get caught in possession of someone else’s prescribed medication or giving medication to others could face serious drug charges.
Alabama prosecutes those in possession of other people’s medication
Only the individual with a valid prescription has the right to possess and use that medicine. Even if they give their medication to someone else with a similar diagnosis, that second person without a prescription still has no legal right to own or use that drug. Whether someone is just holding onto medication or intends to use it themselves, possessing it without a prescription is a crime.