For people pursuing certain professions, a college education is all but mandatory. Many young adults plan to go to college to network and learn about the world even if they don't yet have a specific career in mind. Unfortunately, a lot can occur during college that...
Month: August 2024
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Can you get a DUI in Alabama due to your allergy meds?
You would never drink and drive – but that doesn’t mean you can’t end up with a charge of driving under the influence (DUI) anyhow. In Alabama, you can face drunk driving charges even if your impairment has nothing to do with alcohol or illicit drugs. Something as...
What can an incentive trust do for you?
A trust is a legal document that can help protect assets during and after an individual has passed away. With the right trust, an estate could be protected from probate, estate taxes and disputes. Many kinds of trusts can be added to an estate plan, such as a...