In Alabama, the probate process either follows specific rules set by state law or the guidelines provided by the decedent in their estate planning documents. Someone's will can name numerous people as beneficiaries and can establish a clear expectation for certain...
When a probate bank account is needed
When a loved one passes away in Alabama, managing their assets and estate becomes a crucial responsibility for the beneficiaries. In some cases, a probate bank account might be necessary to facilitate the efficient transfer of assets and ensure that the deceased's...
A guide to ancillary probate in Alabama
If you own property in more than one state, you will need to factor in that property in your estate plan. The probate process that will ensue due to that kind of ownership will be slightly different than what other people in Alabama normally go through. Understanding...
Probate process and timeline in Alabama
Transferring assets and going through belongings can be a stressful time for any Alabama family. The process is made a little easier through estate planning. Even with a detailed estate plan, most estates will have to go through probate court still. How long going...
How to avoid unnecessary probate costs in Alabama
If you're a resident of Alabama, then you know that the probate process can be expensive and time-consuming. There are many things you can do to avoid unnecessary costs and make it easier for yourself and your loved ones. Let's discuss some tips and tricks for...
Understanding the difference between regular and probate sales
If you die without a will in Alabama, your home or another piece of real estate that you owned will likely have to go through a probate sale. Selling a home in this manner can prove lengthy and complex for your loved ones left to deal with it. How probate sales differ...
Why would someone contest a will?
Not everyone may be happy about the contents and directions in a will. Some heirs might feel slighted, but hurt feelings do not provide a legal basis for overturning a last will and testament. However, some issues might come up during probate that supports a valid...
Can you refuse to probate an estate?
Executors are the people who decide whether or not an Alabama estate gets probated or not. Most of the time, executors have a duty to probate an estate and help the process move as smoothly as possible. Probate isn’t a mandatory process, but might be a necessary...
Starting the probate process
When Alabama residents pass away, their loved ones might need to open a probate estate. Estates with probate assets will need to go through the probate process to take care of the decedents' final expenses and distribute their assets. The estates of people who die...
What are the legal grounds for contesting a will?
A will is a legal binding document that contains the wishes of a person for how their estate and assets should be handled. However, you cannot contest a will in Alabama simply due to disliking or disagreeing with its terms. There are certain criteria that do allow you...