Results for "dui"

How do police officers test for DUI in a traffic stop?

Charges centered on driving under the influence (DUI) have become much more serious than a simple slap on the wrist in recent decades. With so much awareness about the dangers of drinking while driving, law enforcement is very intolerant of this practice. This can...

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What to know about underage DUI in Alabama

Alabama teenagers are just like teenagers anywhere else in America, and teens tend to make stupid mistakes. Among those is learning the dangers of underage drinking. Teenagers sharing a six-pack in the basement may seem innocent enough but may turn dire as soon as one...

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How a DUI could limit your career prospects

Career setbacks aren’t uncommon. But those facing a DUI conviction can face extra obstacles in their job search. As every industry has different entry standards, your outlook may vary. You may run into trouble if you’re applying for “sensitive jobs” Those going into...

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DUI Defense

Experienced Representation For DUI Charges People are arrested every day in Alabama for DUI. This is a serious offense. If convicted, you face harsh punishments, including jail time, hefty fines, suspension of your driver’s license and a permanent record that can...

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What a DUI in Alabama Means for You

  What a DUI in Alabama Means for You Alabama ranked 23rd for the strictest DUI laws in the United States, according to a recent study. Our firm has guided countless clients to successful legal outcomes in DUI cases. With a thorough knowledge of federal and state...

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Young, Liz

Birmingham’s First Choice30 Years Of Experience On Your Side[fl_people_single element="full_name" disabled_on="on|on|on"...

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How do police officers determine driver impairment?

Police who initiate a traffic stop because they believe that a driver is impaired need to determine if that’s the case. There are two primary methods for doing this – field sobriety tests and chemical tests. Chemical blood alcohol concentration (BAC) tests and...

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The narcissism/alcohol use connection

Excessive and chronic drinking is often associated with alcohol use disorder. Mental health professionals often examine the connection between alcohol disorders and psychological conditions. Research indicates a potential correlation between alcoholism and...

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What is blood alcohol content?

In Alabama, the legal limit for blood alcohol content, BAC, is set at .08 for motorists over 21 and .02 for motorists under age 21. Blood alcohol content is the amount of alcohol left in the blood from drinking alcoholic beverages. The BAC provided represents the...

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Alabama laws against drinking and driving

In Alabama, it is unlawful to operate a motorized vehicle or vessel while under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance or any combination of the two. The legal limit of Blood Alcohol Content for adult motorists is .08%. The legal limit for drivers under 21,...

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